
General preorder guidelines

  1. Preorders under $500 may be cancelled up to 30 days after the initial purchase (see below for further details)
  2. Preorders over $500 cannot be cancelled at any time.
  3. Abuse of the preorder cancellation policy will preclude you from exercising the cancellation privilege
  4. If the price goes up, you keep the original price you paid.
  5. If the price goes down, you get the price match.
  6. If Pokemon constrains the supply** of a product to the point that I can't fulfill the preorder, you'll receive a full refund for those items I can't fulfill. Also, if I can't at least partially fulfill your preorder you'll get $5 store credit.

**Note: This is generally what people refer to as "allocation" or "being allocated." It happens from time-to-time (especially with desirable products) and is something that all retailers have to navigate. To help mitigate the effects of allocation I generally do an initial small preorder that I have a high confidence I can fulfill then don't do any subsequent preorders until I've received my allocation numbers from my distributors.

Cancelling preorders under $500

 Days since initial purchase Policy
0-3 days Full refund
4-7 days Full refund, less (2.9% + $0.30) restocking fee
8-30 days Store credit, less (2.9% + $0.30) restocking fee
31+ days No refunds

    Why the restocking fee? 2.9% + $0.30 represents the transaction fee that I'm charged by the payment processors I use (Shop Pay, PayPal, etc) and the payment processors do not return this fee when refunds are issued.

    Generally speaking, cancellations can really gum up my preorder process, especially if they come in large numbers. This cancellation policy has been revised with the goal of striking a balance between the needs of myself as a business owner and the needs of you, dear customer. :)

    Cancelling preorders over $500

    No refunds. (C'mon, son...)


    ( Policy revised April 22, 2021)