Updates to shipping rates and processing times


Just wanted to reach out and let you know about some updates to my shipping policies.

Free shipping threshold has increased to $65

I know... this is a bummer and it isn't a decision I made lightly, but there are a couple things at play that necessitate the change.

  1. UPS and USPS have both increased their rates for 2021
  2. Some distributors are regularly increasing prices on popular items which shrinks/eliminates the space that the free shipping cost lives in

I'm committed to pricing everything on the site at or below MSRP, so the combined effect of these two issues makes the $50 threshold tough.

To be frank, this bump isn't really going to effect many people because historically the vast majority of orders that come through are either well below or well above the old threshold of $50. The bump is simply meant to tighten up those outlying orders that are break-even or slightly in the red.

Processing time for orders is now officially 2 days or less

Yes I know... more bad news.

As the site has grown (I genuinely love you all for this) it's become increasingly difficult for me to hit the old metric of "same day processing."

What won't change is my goal to get all your orders out the door as quickly as possible. We're just at the point now where I'm intermittently getting flooded with orders and when that happens it's tough get them all processed while also trying corral a 4 year old with more energy than either of us know what to do with.



I think that's it for all the bummers today. If you're at all concerned about any of this please don't hesitate to reach out.

I genuinely appreciate each and every one of you. I've worked hard to build a business that is equitable and trustworthy, but none of this would be possible without all of your support. :)

